
Clinical consequences of stroke may be mild and transient or severe and permanent, leading to disability. Patients may need intermittent or constant care for their activities of daily living: personal hygiene, dressing, eating, financial management etc.

Motor deficts
the most evident consequence of stroke is restraint in mobility. Half of patients over 65 will experience some mobility impairment[1]. Gait disorders may be mild enough to allow for independent ambulation or severe enough to keep the patient bedridden.
Emotional consequences
not so obvious but may be equally debilitating. Chronic fatigue, chronic pain, sleep disorders, stress are frequently encountered post stroke[2]. Unfortunately, these symptoms are easy to miss if not sought for during medical visits and patients may be hesitant to discuss these issues with their physician, leading to unaddressed patient needs. As a result, symptoms may remain chronically and severely degrade stroke patients’ quality of life.
Speech disorders
may be seen in one in three patients post stroke; impairment may involve expression, comprehension, or both, depending on the site of the brain lesion[3]. These deficits may hamper patients’ return to work, lead to social isolation or depression[4].
Cognitive deficits
memory disorders or other dysfunction of higher cognitive functions may be seen after a stroke, especially in the elderly[5]. Vascular dementia is a dreaded complication of stroke and mixed dementia (comorbidity of vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s disease) may be the commonest type of dementia[6]. Addressing cardiovascular risk factors is the most important primary prevention for dementia, especially in stroke patients in order to avoid further brain damage[7].


[1] Virani SS, et al. Circulation. 2020;141(9):e139–e596.

[2] Naess H, et al. Vasc Health Risk Manag. 2012;8:407-413.

[3] Feigin VL, et al. Circ Res. 2017; 120:439–448.

[4] Thomas SA, et al. Clin Rehabil. 2013; 27:398–408.


[6] Mijajlović MD, et al. BMC Med. 2017;15(1):11.

[7] Ihara M, et al. Expert Rev Neurother. 2014;14(9):1067-1077.