Stroke Symptoms
Immediate recognition of symptoms:

Early recognition of stroke symptoms is important because urgent admission to a hospital can reduce the risk of long-term disability. The acronym FAST includes 4 main symptoms that should prompt notification of emergency services when they suddenly occur[1].
Face – Facial drooping
Arms – Arm weakness
Speech – Speech difficulties
Time – Time, if any of the symptoms are present, we urgently need to be transported to a hospital that provides modern treatments for stroke
Other symptoms of stroke are balance disorders, blurred vision, numbness in one side of the body, sudden confusion or unusual sudden headache[2].

Facial Drooping

Arm weakness

Speech difficulties

Woman and Stroke:
One in five women aged 55-75 will suffer from a stroke[3]. Strokes kill twice the number of women with breast cancer and is the third commonest cause of death in women[4]. Women carry a more severe prognosis after a stroke, partially due to more advanced mean age and due to socioeconomic reasons since women are more likely to live alone and to lack adequate access to education and healthcare[5]. As population ages, more women will eventually suffer from stroke and it is imperative to reduce inequalities in healthcare access.

Stroke and children:
Stroke affects all age groups and despite its rareness in children, prompt recognition of symptom and diagnosis may be particularly demanding in clinical practice. Children with congenital heart disease and blood disorders like sickle cell disease are at high risk, however, even children free of underlying disease may suffer from stroke[6].

[3] Benjamin EJ, et al. Circulation. 2019;139(10):e1–e473.
[4] National Center for Health Statistics. Underlying Cause of Death 1999-2018, Multiple Cause of Death Files, 1999-2018. CDC WONDER Online Database. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 2020.
[5] Cordonnier, C., et al. Neurology, 13(9), 521–532.
[6] Ferriero, et al. Stroke. 2019;50(3):e51-e96.